The Events of Beachbody...what makes it so Special!!!
Super Saturdays!! The quarterly Beachbody Events that are local, awesome and inspirational!!
This venue is designed for coaches to get inspired and a place for customers and friends of coaches to get a sneak peek into the lives of a Team Beachbody Coach! This one happened on April 25th, 2015 at McCaw Hall in Seattle, Washington. No matter where you live, they are happening all over North America! Location is no reason to not join in on the fun. Helping others create the best version of themselves is an opportunity of a lifetime!
Summit, is the annual gathering of all things Beachbody! Anyone can come, you just have to buy a ticket, show up and be ready for excitement!! It is where you can connect with all the coaches from around North America and let's you really get a feel, how awesome it is to be with others with the same mindset as you! Helping people with their fitness and nutrition is amazing! The 2015 destination is in Nashville Tennessee!! DON"T MISS IT!!!
Success Club Trip! Where the rubber meets the road!
The Success Club Trip for 2015 was in Cancun, Mexico. It was at an all-inclusive resort, The Moon Palace. It was absolutely amazing. It is Beachbody's way of rewarding us coaches for being consistent in helping others! It is a trip you earn throughout the year, being consistent on a monthly basis helping others reach their fitness goals. Spending time on a trip with 4000 other like-minded people is a dream come true!