TRAINING!!! You are going to have passion and a desire to help people as you get started on your coaching journey. You are going to think you know a lot and have a lot of answers.....but then you wake up and have 1,000,000 questions!! Below you will find a lot of different stuff that will help you in your business. I know there are also those of you that really like to go at a supersonic pace....with all the scripts and how to's in one spot. So here it is: Team Shine Master Training. This is what Stacy and I use for all the basics.
- Branding by Kati Heifner
- Social Media Posting Guide - Brooke Dorsett
- Social media Do's and Don'ts - Brooke Dorsett
- Creating lists on facebook - Tatiana Amico
- Instagram with Elyse Hubbard (@Paleo_Fit_Juicin_Chick on IG) with worksheets
- Instagram with Angel Stetzko & Scott & Julie Henderson 8/12/14
- Twitter 101 - Alta Lainez
- Using Gmail - Anita Miron
- Using Gmail - Brooke Dorsett
- Pinterest scheduler
- Julie's 5-day clean eating group
- Free clean eating groups
- 21-Day Fix Extreme product launch guide
- Challenge group posts
- 30-Day Challenge group posts - Angel Stetzko
- Running groups using a point system - Angel Stetzko
- Group Disclaimer
- Creating fb groups and events - Tatiana Amico
- Making forms for challenge group applicants
- Creating great customer experiences - Kelly Joseph
- Challenge Group Commitments
- 7-step coach script (Amy Silverman)
- How to set your preferred placement (Julie Henderson)
- 123 New Coach Training
- New Coach Welcome Email (goes with 123 training)
- How to do a GSR call with your new coaches
- Tools to help your new coaches get started right
- Coaching at a glance groups (Julie Henderson)
- Hosting Business Opportunity calls
- Bubbles
- Nonprofit and 501(c)3 FAQ
- Learn how to use GMAIL the RIGHT way!!! (Brooke Dorsett) Tutorial is here!
- Wufoo Forms is easy and free! Learn to set up a form! Tutorial is here!
- How to Freeze Columns and Rows in Google Spreadsheets? Tutorial is here!
- How to make an ebook? (Brooke Dorsett)
- Erase Background in PicMonkey and Save as Transparent Image (Brooke Dorsett)
- Where is your Coach/User ID? Tutorial is here!
- Why to sign up your spouse (or significant other) and where to put them! Tutorial is here!
- How do I set up my EFT(Electronic Funds Transfer)? Tutorial is here!
- How to change your Screen Name on Tutorial is here!
- How to change your Coach Name? Tutorial is here!